World is smaller. Relationships have become close!
(Some random couple picture available on google photos)
‘Internet’ you say. ‘Time gap for people living in different geographies,’ I say.
‘Fuck yourself’ my girl says.
The humans that we interact with everyday, shape our thinking and also visual needs. Imagine a human, stranded in a island, with no absolute human connect, it is obvious that the human would make friends with the other living creatures present on that island. Learn to speak their language. Grow with them, understand them.
Imagine another extreme case, where there are no living creatures on that island. The human tends to start developing relationships with the non-living things around that place. The simple illustrations to this is the way the Norway people who were obsessed with ‘collecting stones’ as a hobby. Norway is a cold, lonely place you see. And also it strikes a cord with a North Canadian citizen, had a fetish for collecting different types of dry lives and started seeing emotions in those dry leaves. Weird isn’t it?
The basic need is, we need relationship. We need emotional connect. We sub service that by making friends, family and the usual human animal thing, is to reproduce. The bottom line is, we need to connect. The whole snuggling is about letting the emotions flow, either with fellow humans or with the other non-living things (which is a bit extreme).
All the above philosophy aside, humans need to be loved and in turn they love you back, to get that love.
Internet has brought us close. From simple voice calls to video calls across geographies. But nothing can replace the human “skin touch” relationship, be it with parents or with the potential mate.
But somehow push with whatever is there. because of the choices we have made.
“Choices make us who we are, far more than our abilities” — I only said it, so please!
Further Reading: