We define our own course paths.
Its been close to 2.5 years after graduating from RVCE.
And its been a ride after that. A furry of emotions. Wanting to ‘settle’. If you don’t like the word, settle, care to use the word — stability. Stability means, constant income in life and a assured future.
Listening to the stories of academic exhaustion and wanting to do nothing and sail through life. All these barrage of emotions, right after college.
Wanting to make more money, to having a routine work life and come home and spend time with family. Everything. I want it all.
Looking at other classmates of mine, charting their own path. Each going in different ways. Some choose the most difficult path, others chose the obscure ones. Whichever way, they will all make. We will all make it in our own contented happy selves.
To a class topper, who went to higher economy by converting E&C degree from RVCE to portraying it as ‘computer engineering’ degree. Life has become surreal.
The constant, competition to thrive and make this world a better place. Is that the right goal? Is this what human race should fight for?
The constant fight to get into a secure job, where there is constant source of income and stability in family life. Wait, should everyone have a family? Like, is it a norm? Why has this concept marketed in the society like this? I just wonder.
India moving from a lower economy to a higher one, with many high earning potentials and still people choosing to go for cushy, middle income, government jobs. Why? Just why? Is it power? Social prestige? or a guarantee of constant food on one’s plate. Or is it jut the middle income mindset which aspires for the same middle income again, throughout their lives.
Men can never go out of employment for a long time and women, can choose whether to be employed or not. Confusion, confusion!
Wanting to suck in this idea, that this is how it works. And you need to do your bit. For the sake of you and you and you!.
Judge me, for all the choices I made and the choices which I could have, if and only if I was aware of them in the first place.
I rage again. I will rise again. And not conquer the world, but defeat my own performances in the past. Will I be branded as a selfish individual? Let it be. I am here for serving people and making my living amidst them.
Time to get busy and lurk my way into the darkness. Yes, long way to go before I sleep.