System Science and Automation to Artificial Intelligence in Bangalore.
So it was launched in 2019 and it is under the EECS division of IISc.
This is specifically to build world leaders in the space of AI, from Bangalore. AI is still in its primitive stages. The application cuts across many engineering disciplines and many industries. But the training course structure is still covering the basic topics in maths, database systems, object oriented programming et cetra.
The professors are open to taken up individual with project proposal, covering various disciplines. I have a topic in mind. Working on the national GDP data, sectioning it into 36 States/ Union Teritories. India is expected to be the one of the top 2 economies in GDP PPP terms by 2050. I will be 56 by then. Young and eenrgetic. Hopefully, if I do good, I will cushioned with more financial resources in life than in anyother time of my life, till 2050.
With all these potential developments coming up for Asia in the coming decades, assuming that there are no wars and political turmoil in the asia region, the people and the industries are expected to do well. It is EURASIA, where the people are present. 5.5 Billion people just in this location and the remaining in N.America, S.America and African continent. So that’s a lot of data, that gets generated for business and governments to work with. This is the sweet spot, where AI steps in. We create bots, software and hardware, to artifically do the tasks, that the humans have been doing. So the fear of automation, that has been there since the 1980s, will exist.
But wait, why is the fear, in the first place? Are we all not working to make human lives, comfortable and easier to live? Why is there a fear of lose out on jobs? Because, given a choice, people would love to be a couch potato instead of lifting their bodies up and getting it to work. Inherently they are LAZY.
Amidst, building world class leaders in AI from Bangalore, the social interactions, will go away. The ability/ skill to engage with fellow humans, is something the robots cannot do. They can do your repitive tasks but otherwise.
A recent searching of a opportunity to collaborative with people working in this domanin came up. And I stumbled upon This organisation based out of IISc, near yeshwantpur, is working on knowledge graphs, trying to make sense of enormous data that gets generated in this digital world.
The world has seen a transition in data science field. As of Bangalore, the discussion on data and computers has taken a huge shift after December 2016, when the rates of Internet charges completely went down, because of reliance jio and brought about the use of digital application to everyone in the society. This data generated has made a huge gaps in building knowledge among masses. There is information, but hardly there is knowledge.
So working on knowledge graphs is more essential make use of this digital data to better understand the world around us. So welcome artificial intelligence, a new trendy name to system science!