Sneaking into the mind of employers.
They have to pay tax as well. For the effort put by them in developing a product or deigning a line of service and making it functional, the government, in any country for that matter, will come and snatch away a percentage of their money. The salaries you get in your bank account, goes to their balance sheet as well. Everything is accounted — either to the government, to the investors, to the customers or to the employees.
Employers have it hard and if they have the approach of making money — it will be dazzled out, by being accountable to so many afore mentioned people. Should they focus on accountability to the stakeholders in question or to the product/ service that they are developing? It is a fuzzy ball game.
It is after all, it is running your own shop. Some people call it dream and for some, it is an innate sense of survival. Without running their own shop, they see no other way of making a living.
Now, employers difference in their thinking based on geographies. Asian, largely Indian and Chinese employers see the vast amount of human resources available at their disposal and try to exploit it with less monetary compensation and lower benefits. Government also plays a huge part. With the procedure in starting a business in India is quite easily, but running that with the tax incentives offered, is still a complex process. Chinese employers are flooded with business with ongoing tax hassle with US. But the negative part of the work culture there — is that there is very little prominence given to the quality of any work done. Since there is so much of work orders to complete, the employees get very less time and energy to check up on the quality of work they are producing.
Any employer, in any location will always have some difficulties by the talent pool available to the land availability to the government’s sticky nose in its operations. But the bright side is, you get a shot a make a huge fortune by helping people and governments in some or the other way.
Employers in EU — Yes I’m looking at you. The number of European companies are more than the US ones, which is good that they have not let US companies sweep their own turf. The companies, be it in auto manufacturing — Ferrari, Mercedes, BMW etc or be it banking — ING, Societe Generale, PNB Paribas etc or local brick and mortar store along with the local e-commerce players for grocery shopping to food delivery. SAP has made its holding strong globally with penetration into US market. On the oil industry side — Shell, BP Etc have a good mark.
Now the fact of the matter in EU, is the population numbers are less. Yes the areas is dense but not crowded. The necessity for talented labor force is of prime importance to the employers in EU, as the local populace’s feeding into the talent pool is minuscule. The coming-together of 27 countries of European Union has benefited few countries and has made countries worse off. The top 3 big heads — France, Netherlands, Germany have the large chunk of the pie while Greece, Estonia and Cyprus type of countries face a flak. Well, there are positives and negatives in every part and the human wanting is always relative. “I want to be better than him”. Now here “I” may be a human, country, employer, government, army…. anyone!
Coming to the bug daddy, the Americas market, which is a free society, a 17 trillion economy and 39 million+ companies and indisputable single direction materialistic society. The market is huge and a lot of space to explores new customers and make more money for any employer. With all these positives, all employers would want to have their HQs in the US soil. Quite recently, the KTH Royal Institute of Tech kids from Sweden developed this music sharing application called “Spotify”. They moved their office from Sweden to Amsterdam and then to New York. They went public at New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The underwriting contract was done by Goldman Sachsand Morgan Stanley — Spotify made huge money with their IPO in NY, USA. Could we have imagined such high money IPO either in EU market or in Asia market? Hardly that is ever possible. This example speaks volumes of the Americas market that is present, with the society and organizations being very materialistic.
You will never be unemployed in the Americas market — US, Canada and Mexico etc. You might probably earn less but you will be occupied with a job. This also shapes the thinking of the employers in Americas markets, look at resources — talent, tax, land, rent etc in a different way.
Any global company, which operates in all the three markets — Americas, EMEA and APAC, know the highest revenues to their business comes from Americas first, EMEA next and APAC in the last.