Is there a respect between TRADES?
There are some high paying jobs and then there are some medium and low paying jobs. But there are jobs, which will let you make a living. But the standard of living, substantially varies.
I was recently speaking to a girl, when she was talking about enrolling her kid to high-end school, whose school fees is way too expensive and the prospective husband of hers should be “capable”. It is quite funny that she didn’t use the word “affordable” instead it was “capable”.
Similarly, are there trades which are more capable of providing a better standard of living than others? Here, when I mean standards, the economic disposable income, with which, the freedom lies in doing and following which-so-ever path that one desires.
Yes, there are many. Being prominent one among them is working in Oil and Gas Industry. And there are few countries which gain a strong foothold in this. Saudi Arabia (read Al-Saud family of 2000 people), which discovered oil in 1930s, has been in the forefront of the oil trade in the world. When in comes to oil in Europe, Russia dominates and the employees working in oil and gas industry, which might have adverse working conditions, does fetch a lot of money. Speaking from Karnataka, India’s experience, the iron-ore in the western Ghats region, to the oil refineries in Mangalore are the stickers of rich trade spots, where the milking of money happens with small number of employees.
The other epicenter of the king ruled European country is Netherlands. Where the King (read monastery) family handles the main trades, which bleeds with money. One such defining example is SHELL Petro-chemicals. A conglomeration of British and Dutch enterprise. People are there where money is there, isn’t it?
The other trade, which is famous among corporate is Investment Banking and Management consulting. You know, the jobs where you sit across a desk and trade and not necessary that you have to be on the field and look at the Digital manometer, seeing the pressure and temperature of the boiler. I mean to say, the trade, which has the college geniuses and the big bucks.
Then shall we talk about the trade, which most Indians would love to be a part of? The government. It is a service business for god’s sake. Same like the richest country in the world, Luxembourg, where more than 50% of the population are expats, the localities all work in service business. Government service is what I mean, under government of Luxembourg. So yeah, Indians are frenzy about this trade, which brings in popularity among masses, little legal money and a potential (just a potential!) of a lot of illegal money. And also the serene beauty of living in a Tier 2/2.5/3 city in India, where you’re the most educated and kind of a plausible rich class.
I have missed out on a lot of other trades, from which people aspire to making a comfortable living. The next and the last one, I want to talk about it the education trade. India and Indians are a species which has the highest veneration for knowledge. It is quite understandable, with business products, which receives a lot of traffic from India. Be it Quora to Medium and to even Facebook, when it WAS ( 2010–2015) the source of most of the news. Even today, in 2019, Facebook punches most no of visitors from India, but Zuck is never heard of speaking anything big on India, even though it is his biggest cash cow. Hypocrisy much? Ignore!. Even the product “Google Chrome” was first released 2008–09, India was the main market, where the adoption of the product would be at a faster pace. Source you ask? Sundar’s (read the handsome) interview.
So India is big on trade and the education/knowledge trade is always the revered high. Be it exam-prep business to research trade, where a considerable amount of population is making a living out of it.
And personally, coming from a family, where education (read degrees) is placed on the attic, I understand, that education/knowledge trade is important and are also the intellectual drivers of humankind but not necessarily the richest trade that is out there.
Is there respect among different trades? I ask you again!